13th March 2010, Saturday (Adapted from the rough draft of my diary on 11th/3/10)
WTF? WTF!!? Gee, I really hate to use this acronym “WTF” because it’s too corny. But I now really can’t resist saying/asking myself “WTF?!”
I can’t believe I’m actually writing this on the exam sheet
DURING one test. The bell’s just gone. I lifted my head and took a look at the clock hanging right in front of me. WOT? Still another half an hour to go? But I’ve slept like an age before now.
Sitting next to me (my
RHS) is Mee Wah, the elevated-IQ girl of Pre- U SA (my class). Gosh, I really can’t make myself understood what on earth is keeping her going although she’s indubitably struggling to do the test. She just has the stamina. How come I don’t? Seeing her doing the Bio test like this, I really feel daunted and I’ve been thrown a curve. I go, “Am I really apt for Form 6?” It’s really hard. I barely have the time to study, let alone review.
Well, yesterday I tried reading the lumpish Longman Biology text and I understood what I read, I really did. Once more, I really did. But how the heck can’t I do the test right now? As a matter of fact, what I read last night is what I’m staring at now! This means I spotted the questions. I didn’t actually spot it, though, I was just lucky to have “spotted” the right thing. The questions – ogling me, me – glaring at questions (eye contact) But then, now, it’s as though I hadn’t read
jack shit! So, I now officially decide to
jack it all in. Totally blank. My brain – blank, questions – blank, too! I’m apparently “
During this upcoming one-week vacation, I ought to do something. Revise? Not really. Read or study first, more like it! (since I know jack sh*t) If I could, that’d be wonderful. However, it’s utterly beyond the realms of possibility.
OK, guess I’m much OK now. Enough writing.
Upsy-daisy! The invigilator (Pn Fatimahani) just walked past me!
She saw me writing so much for the answers to the test questions. LOL It’s certainly kept her in suspense because she knows pretty well that I almost flunked my Bio paper last time. She must be wondering how I could write so much without even breaking a sweat!
In fact, I’m writing my diary, dodo! xD
PS March test,
beat it! I would've aced it but for laziness.